Monday, July 23, 2007


What is happening to bloglines? I don't check for a couple of days and I have 656 posts to read! When I look to see who of you has been so prolific I find that lots of posts are "repeated" (I don't know why bloglines does this). Whew, I can relax, you are all human after all and not super duper multi bloggers leaving me in the dust, like I thought!

I have been working away on one of the borders for our club raffle quilt. A friend came to visit the other night and while she sat on my sewing chair and chatted I spay starched the last of the leaves for appliqueing. It is really pleasant having someone to chat do while doing a job like this.
Yesterday I went out to Janice's to quilt a community quilt top that I had been given to finish. Took me 5 hours on her Swiftquilter from start to finish. Not bad I thought. Immediately after dinner I fell into bed and stayed there until morning. I was tired!! (but pleased with my efforts.)

PS: My 100th post is coming up soon. In the spirit of blogging celebration when I get around to making it and you leave a comment on it I will put you in the draw for a squishy packet. What will be in it I have yet to decide, but I have plenty of fabric to choose from! I will post a piccy of what is up for grabs when my batteries are recharged (yes, that is both kinds of batteries, the camera ones and my energy ones.)


His Office, My Studio said...

Blogline has gremlins. I noticed the overload Friday night. I like the fabric you are using for the leaves.

Elaine Adair said...

Yes, I noticed that 'eeeekk" factor also, but we all just take those things in stride! LOL

I passed my 100th post recently but due to 'life' just couldn't make something out of it. Don't we have fun?

catsmum said...

Yes I think we all got caught by the Bloglines Gremlin lately. Really annoying but it's a free service so ...
anyway I've just passed the 200th post and the Blogiversary is looming so there's contest goodies to be had while you make your way towards the big 00 post.

meggie said...

Nice leaves! You have been busy, no wonder you slept so well!