You know how they say to be very, very careful when wielding the rotary cutter? (Don't worry - remember what the title of this post is.) Well, I was busy on Saturday night cutting strips for a quilt I am going to be making at our up-coming retreat at the end of the month (yippee, it will be the first weekend of the school holidays - what a great way to start them). I layered up the fabric to cut 2 fabrics at once. When cutting strips it is oh, so, easy to get the ruler not lined up quite correctly, like this:

It's a bit hard to see what is wrong so here is a close-up:

Now can you see? I'm 3 1/2" on one end of the ruler and 3 1/4" on the other end. Blast! I need an extra strip. So I cut one, without checking what was going on at the other end of the fabric. When I flipped back the top fabric this is what I had oh, so, cleverly done:

The perfect 'V' cut!

As my friend Frances said "at least it wasn't your finger". No, it wasn't :-)
But I did manage to take the top off the knuckle off my index finger when closing a door at school today. Ouch!
Now that's clever
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Ouch! We all make mistakes. That's what makes quilting so interesting
Ouch, bet you wish that hadn't happened!
Where are you? 5 weeks is a long time. I'm thinking you're either on a cruise in some Hawaii or too busy quilting??
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