Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sewing in the wrong direction

Yes, well, despite all of yesterday's drama it was easy compared to today. Intensive machine quilting is something I need to be doing every day, so I can get good at it!! Today I was mostly doing the reverse stuff! And there is more reverse stuff to do before I can put it back under the machine. Prime Suspect is starting soon on the telly so I had better find my quick-unpick.


Shirley Goodwin said...

Hee hee, that reverse stitching is a toad, isn't it?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I hate unsewing, but I have to admit that when it's called for a new, sharp "un-sewing" tool does make even the most unpleasant task a bit more tolerable. I "splurged" on a new seam ripper last week... that way I'll have one when I need it and can throw my old, dull one away.

atet said...

I am with you on the unsewing bit -- I had to do some myself this week, and made it that much worse that it was a misplaced buttonhole. The photo is lovely, I'mk a big fan of that peach color, can't wait to see what becomes of it.

love.boxes said...

Very cool. Good luck with your project. :)

Teodo said...

Your photo is very nice.
I'm waiting to see your work ended, I think that it will be difficult to learn for me. I'm not very able with pc.
ciao ciao

Tanya said...

Thanks for the comment on the Wonky Word quilt. How is the computer work going?